Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
*current mood: feeling the effects of unsatisfactory sleep
Friday, September 26, 2008
1st attempt: FAIL
i'm convinced the urge to smoke never goes away...
1st attempt (09/03/2008 ~09/25/2008): 22 days
lesson learned: cold turkey is hard but not impossible.
2nd attempt (date to be announced later): ???
*yea i know what you're thinking...weak sauce huh?
well, F U !
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
driving in circles.
i would have never imagined myself being in this position if you had asked me in high school. given all this, i'm still okay with this. i just need to vent sometimes. after all, it is a half year gig . i did eventually get lost driving but it was a beautiful thing though. cape cod is filled with many meandering roads and picturesque villages. i stopped by mayflower beach (my favorite) on the way back and smoked my last cigarette there. i took a big whiff of that sea salt air and walked toward the crashing waves. with all my might, i hurled my half pack of parliaments into the water and let the current take it away. far away. far away from me. the tossing of my cigarettes in the ocean symbolized the ending of the "smoking is cool" stage.
since jim went back to boston to "chill" for the weekend, i am alone working the front once again. it is nostalgic of the last 2 years working in the off season. rewarding but very boring. i am reminded of two goals i have set for myself last year. first was to lose weight and get back in shape and second was to quit cigs. it's been 1 year exactly since i looked at myself in the mirror and vowed these changes upon myself. tonight, exactly the same time as last year, i'm gonna look at myself in the mirror once again. will i like what i see in the mirror this time around?
aside from my boyish good looks, probably not.
so tonight... i will vow two more goals to complete this year. i'll do this every year, whatever it takes . . . until i am truly content.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
nyc for h-dawg's bday
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
it's always the quiet ones . . .
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
China wins Gold!
China finished with 286.125 points, more than seven points ahead of Japan. That’s such a blowout the Chinese could have brought three fans in for the last event and still won. The Americans had 275.850.
China’s triumph was as much a vindication as a coronation. It ended a four-year journey built on the failures of Athens, and carried through a crucible of unfathomable expectations. The Chinese arrived at the Beijing Games as such overwhelming favorites that anything less than a spectacular gold-medal performance would not have been enough.
Mission accomplished—magnificently.
The failure 4 years ago fueled China, as did all those chants of “加油” that rang out throughout the arena yesterday night. And it sure was China's moment last night. Be proud.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
kicking the habit...step 1
now, it was that night at "the hill" where i tried my first cigarette. i'm not even sure what prompted me to try smoking and even more clueless as to who provided me with butts that night. but you ask any smoker. no one tries to remember their first smoking experience. it's something we, smokers, try not to reminisice about. it's not something we're particularly proud of anyway. in fact, i dont know one smoker who doesn't wanna quit.
anyway, for as long as i can remember, i've always hated the smell of cigarette smoke. my dad used to smoke heavily and still does but has cut down dramatically over the years. kent 100's soft pack. i remember when me and my brother used to steal his cigarettes and destroy them, usually drenching them in water. but there i was that night, puffing away at a seemingly harmless marlboro menthol that got me hooked on nicotine still to this day.
it's not something i planned on either. i would much rather sit here and tell you that i'm smoke-free now. i want to tell you about being able to hustle up stairs, or that my clothes don't stink or how good food tastes, but in reality the biggest thing about being smoke-free, aside from physical health, is purely psychological - i want to be free from an addiction. i want my life not to revolve around smoking. that speaks louder than anything else.
you have to want it more than anything else. most people who smoke like smoking, even if they really can't see why anymore. the satisfaction factor for their cravings has earned the title of "something i like to do". and for a long time, it was something i did enjoy doing.
but all that is slowly changing for me. though i still continue to smoke and have those urges, i now have a strong desire to quit. it's just something i don't want in my life anymore. but i'm not going to start today or tomorrow or next week for that matter. the time is nearing soon though. i've been told by an exsmoker to take it one step at a time and that my friend, i am. as ironically pathetic as it sounds, this blog entry will be my first step in kicking the habit for good.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
miss venezuela is miss universe 2008

waikiki beach?

Friday, July 11, 2008
though i was raised in jewton, i was never taught to be a jew.
it's friday afternoon in hyannis. i'm working the front desk alone. a bit bored for the moment because there wasn't really much going on. in comes a couple of young love birds . . . typical of a 2 nighter king reservation. when i asked for a credit card for payment, they looked at each other dumbfoundedly. an awkward moment of weirdness then took over the mood.
the guy then sacrifices his pride and dignity and asks if they can split the room payment between him and his girlfriend. sure no problem i politely answered. the frugal nature of this guy disgusted me. sadly, this wasn't the first time some cheap ass loser asked me to split the bill between him and his girl. it's a true yet disappointing trend we have in society nowadays. i shook my head in dismay again while at the same time trying to come to terms with his jewish mentality. i just couldn't.
the guy then starts yapping away about how his girlfriend owes him $15 for dinner the other night and how he owed her $40 for some whale watching tickets. they went on and on about oweing each other money and this and and minus...carry the 4 and mulitply by 2...whatever. all of it seemed so frickin' petty.
to me, a relationship should be about sharing. of course there are limits to this. but for the shit they were debating about, it seemed hardly worth it to even mention it.. if i ever become like that, please someone shoot me between the legs and inject me with some serious testosterone.
my thoughts might seem a bit exaggerated. it just angers me to see this kind of gypsy-like behavior. if you know anything about me, i was raised to be traditional. so naturally, splitting bills, 50/50, and guys not being gentlemen are alien ideas to me. this pathetic excuse for a guy couldnt even pay for a room that he will spend the next 2 nights with his girl.
in conclusion, this is a lesson to be learned to all of you guys who are reading this, especially to my fellow yellow brothas. it never pays to be cheap... period. it just doesn't seem ethically correct. a man who is proud is a successful and respected individual in my book... once the guy becomes cheap with his girl, all of his pride is then stripped away from him.
and then what else is left? in the end, a guy who is robbed of his pride isn't really considered a guy anymore. instead, he is transformed into a powerless girly man who should be shunned away from pussy for all the days he lives. the end.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
How to make a Cape Codder

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
2008 nathan's hot dog eating contest

ever since i was a kid, i've been watching this contest every 4th of july. somehow, i am just fascinated with people eating massive amounts of food in a short period of time. i'm sure with some practice at buffets and an 8th of weed, i too can eat 59 hotdogs in 10 minutes. this year's contest went into overtime with joey chesnut and my man, kobayashi. i've seen kobayashi eat before. a couple of years back, mtv true life did a skit on him. man, he puts fat people to shame.
kobayashi expands his stomach for a competition by eating larger and larger amounts of food, and then exercises to ensure that fat will not impede expansion of his stomach during a competition. by training with weights and working out, kobayashi has increased his metabolism, which in turn has helped him to burn more calories. this training is used by kobayashi to maintain his overall health as well as helping him to prevent excess calories from being stored as fat. there is no question he is a legend in the world of competetive eating.

however, joey chestnut has reclaimed the top spot this year again after first tying with archrival takeru kobayashi in a 10-minute chow-down and then beating him in a five-dog eat-off. the men tied at 59 frankfurters in 10 minutes, before being made to gobble another five dogs in a last-minute tiebreaker. they consumed 64 hot dogs total and were looking quite peaked after the competition. their competitors also included a pizza cook from new york city, a fishmonger from chicago and a 110-pound mother of two from maryland.
"hot dogs are extremely unhealthy, especially when eaten at high volume," says dr. marc siegel, a professor at new york university school of medicine."they're really processed, they have high cholesterol and too much salt."
and thanks to the quantities the competitors ate, they'll likely suffer nausea, bloat, headache, and possibly high blood pressure for several days as the body slowly digests the food.
"one is bad for you, five's worse and 50 is terrible," he said.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
both phone and online reservations are pouring in. with the exception of june, sales per month are at a dramatic increase. at the current pace, i have set my goal to be a 150k increase for 2008 sales. to do this, i have set aside 2 strategies. in season, i will keep rates high, push for multi-night reservations, and block online third party bookings. off season, i will implement a low price, high volume strategy. both strategeties will constitute me being aggressive and aggressive i shall be.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
the ex effect
i do know now. sorta. there is a saying out there, which is "to forgive but never forget". somehow, i've always managed to do both: to forgive and to forget. as corny as it sounds, deep down inside, each of my ex-girlfriends have a special place in my heart. be not mistaken, there is no room in my heart for hate.
finally, after all that introspection, i've come to the conclusion that it is useless to be bitter about a past relationship. i once had an ex-girlfriend who knew me inside and out; i mean literally can predict what i was gonna do before i even did it, which was creepy at times. regardless, i don't think i could ever genuinely hate someone who was that close to me before. in the end or in the beginning or whatever, we're all in it for the love. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Friday, June 20, 2008
back in the bean.
it was a sunny morning so i decided to sit out on the porch. i sat down and began reflecting. the victory judgement produced to us yesterday was the final nail in the coffin. case closed, and there is definitely a lot more to smile about now. i did a lot of serious thinking about that. no matter how deep or twisted my thoughts went, i could not help but notice how beautiful the trees were. they were taller, greener, and they actually had leaves. though summers in the cape are lovely, i miss summers here back in newton.
coincidentally, my time back home overlaps chen's birthday. though nothing was planned, i think his birthday celebrations worked out exactly how he wanted it to be. when it comes down to stuff like this, he's really simple about it, and that's the great thing about him: simplicity... happy birthday you goofy mother effer. i know you're hiding behind the computer and reading this right now. so in honor of your bday, i'm going to dedicate half this blog entry to you.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
at the crossroads...
though i can imagine a few more summers here, i'm not sure if this is it...that if i'm ready to settle down and expand here. i'm more of a city person anyway. i miss home and life there but then again, staying here would be simply all about money and stability. i was asked once by a simple man, would you rather be extremely happy and content but poor...or very wealthy but extremely miserable. to me, this was a no brainer; i can buy happiness with money i thought.
throughout my years working here, i find myself rethinking this. at this point, i work half the year and the other half, i pretty much have off and just relax. girls just seem to come and go in my life. friends become more and more distant every time i come back. at this stage in my life, i'm just looking for a balance. a balance between these two extremes. though i'm all about being absolut, i find myself at the crossroads now, torn between which direction to take on. i think i'll get extremely baked and think about this for a bit.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
June 1st
thinking of sitting up in a beach in sunny phuket.
thinking of eating freshly picked fruit in LA.
thinking of letting it all hang at the black jack tables in vegas.
thinking of the cold nights in boston where clubbing is the only thing to do at night.
thinking of finally visiting my boys in nyc.
thinking of me, zid, and chen going to porter square for a bowl of ramen on a random monday afternoon.
just thinking man....that's what keeping me going.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
mr. chan
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Doodle 4 Google
The winning doodle, selected from over 16,000 entries, was created by Grace Moon, a 6th grader at Canyon Middle School from Castro Valley, California. Grace's lovely doodle, "Up in the Clouds," has graced the homepage,, on May 22nd, 2008.

Up in the Clouds
My doodle, "Up in the Clouds," expresses a world in the sky. This new world is clean and fresh, and people are social and enlightened. Every person here is treated as family no matter who they are. The bright sun heats this ideal place with warmth, love, and brightens everyone's day.
- Grace Moon
- Grace Moon’s perfect world is a place full of bright colors and sunshine, a place without violence or natural disasters, a place of peace and happiness. And on Thursday, it was a place that 100 million people got to visit. Hmmm, I like this idea of happy thoughts. Just perfect.