Thursday, June 10, 2010

taking a step back...

have you ever taken a step back and asked yourself if this is right? sometimes when i can't sleep, i stay up at night just thinking and reflecting...analyzing and plotting my next move.

since i last wrote in this blog, i didnt have a gf. now i do. prior to all that, i was single for quite some time. i guess i was too picky or maybe the field just had slim pickings...perhaps i was still hopelessly fantasizing about some dream girl. for a while there, i was just down in the dumps. what kept me going was the hope that one day i could actually find someone i could really love and cherish. i remember going to the clubs and bars and coming back thinking how shitty tonight was. a lot of the times the girls we encountered were really busted, and i was thinking to myself i wish i could really fastforward time and find my wife. i would rather spend my time spoiling and cherishing a girl i really like rather than these hoes. i'll be honest...i've never really had a serious relationship with anyone, and i really wanted to change that about myself. it's not that i cant settle's really because i havent found that person to settle down with.

4 years later and hopefully somewhat wiser, i feel like i'm still stuck in the same rut. yet a bit deeper... now held down and trapped by a little thing called a relationship. i now have a gf who really likes me but can i reciprocate the same feelings towards her? can i settle down with a girl who i know isnt the one? have you ever felt the same way? am i just settling? am i just wasting my time? it's funny...i have money and with that, comes with some power. yet, i try falling asleep every night thinking i'm the lonliest and weakest person alive.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

relationships are tough... no matter how much she loves you, if you don't love her back or don't feel the same way you shouldn't just settle, just because. you're still young, and you need someone that makes you happy - not leaving you wanting more or other. in the long run, even short run, it's not fair to you both. be true to yourself.. if you're looking for the one, you're just holding yourself back from finding her.